Improved technologies, changes in laws and regulations are constantly challenging. Manufactures, suppliers, wholesale and retail industry must keep up with the pace to maintain their products compliant to relevant regulatory requirements.
Regulations are placed to ensure that products offered does not possess any potential risks or a hazard or cause harm in intended and unintended use for end-users (household, commercial or industrial purpose) or property. Applicable standards are implemented to address such compliance issues. Our Compliance Consultation services will help you implement the best industry practices and meet regulatory requirements outlined by the authorities.
Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) and Approval Certificates
To supply a product in New Zealand/Australia, the article must comply with regulatory requirements outlined in regulations by Worksafe, AU State regulators, Radio Spectrum Management and ACMA.
Please note: Above regulations are necessary but do not cover additional regulatory requirements which are required for specific industry. We will be able to help you with those requirements if it is within our scope.
We can provide the following services to align with regulatory requirements
Basic Product Safety Pre-Inspection
When you import electrical /electronics products you do not know how safe it is and often suppliers/manufacturers change the component materials without any notification. We can help you in basic product safety pre-inspection before you place the order, so you can save time and money. Our checks includes
- Review of rating labels, manuals, and schematics
- Components check-up and comparison
- Essential safety assessment including protection against electric shock and flammability tests
- Pro-type PCB clearance distance / creepage-clearance distance review
- Specified tests on your demand. For example, power input measurement, electric strength test, insulation resistance test, IP tests, earth resistance test.
Compliance Training
- Technical review of overseas test reports
- Apply for “Certificate of Approval” or Certificate of Conformity” or “Certificate of Suitability” on your behalf and handle the process
- Liaise with 3rd-party testing & certification services
- ERAC EESS product registration if require
- To assist in SDoC’s and maintain compliance folders